To the beat up, burnt out and just plain tired ragamuffins that make up our sweet Recovery community, please hear this… YOU ARE NOT FORGOTTEN!
In times like these it is often the vulnerable and the weak that are left to fend for themselves. But we recognize we have a different call here at Recovery at Summit. You may be feeling a lot of fear and loneliness right now, and it would be easy to try and escape and isolate. Be encouraged and challenged with this; you have the tools and the relationships to not only make it through this, but to come out stronger on the other side with a deeper relationship with God and stronger bonds with your brothers and sisters.
We want you to know you are loved, and we want to offer opportunities for you to connect and feel loved in this difficult season, so that we may all grow stronger in our faith and witness of what God can do through broken and honest people!
Click the ‘ Resources & Video Stream’ button to see what we’re making available to you at Recovery at Summit Church.