Resources for this season


Thursday Evening video streams - 7pm

Join us on Thursday nights when will be releasing a video teaching or panel discussion regarding a recovery related topic as a means to encourage and challenge us during this time of social-distancing.

Weekly Response Questions – 6/18/2020

  1. What concerns do you have about being transparent with your feelings before God and others?

  2. How have you experienced the benefit of being transparent with your feelings before God and others?

  3. What do you hope for from God, that you haven’t voiced?

Action Step: Journaling

Meditate on the eight feelings. Which have you connected deeply with this past week? Journal about the top two or three.

  • Hurt

  • Lonely

  • Sad

  • Anger

  • Fear

  • Shame

  • Guilt

  • Glad


Below you’ll find a link to a list of national 12 step meetings that you can call into at any time of day in order to have a place to share and get honest about your struggle.

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Call in Meetings


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Stories & Blogs

Find encouragement and challenge here.

We are asking all closed groups (Story and Steps Groups) to continue meeting if possible via online “Google Hangouts”. Please contact your group leader/facilitator to see if your group is continuing during this time.

We are asking all sponsors to reach out and be available for phone calls and encouragements as we wait for the day that we can all gather again at our University and Gateway Campuses.

We are collecting prayer requests so please email us or share with your sponsor if you have a request that we could pray for as a leadership team. 


We want to serve and love our Recovery Community during this season. If you have questions or concerns, or just need prayer, don’t hesitate to reach out.