/Summit Church on it’s own, is simply just another building; what makes this place the living Church are the people: the Holy Spirit-filled sinners who have been redeemed by the unconditional grace of Jesus Christ!
There is a refreshing transparency within Summit’s Recovery Ministry that I've never experienced anywhere else. Jesus said, “when two or three gather in my name, there I am among them”. It’s a beautiful thing to be able to come together in the middle of the week at Recovery and experience the presence of God. Not just through worship and a message, but also through genuine heart-felt conversation with others where I can safely come without feeling the need to act like I have it all together.
We each have our individual struggles, but the one thing that we have in common is the deep longing inside us all that can only be quenched by the love of the One who created us.
Summit is a place that consistently cultivates the opportunity to safely let down my guard and shift my focus away from unnecessarily carrying the heavy burden of all my hurts and imperfections and instead, fully embrace the gift of a perfect Savior and his extravagant love for me; right where I am.
Through the gospel-centered resources Recovery offers like STEPS, sponsorship, and small groups, God has begun to chisel away in my heart all the preconceived stereotypes of who I thought He was and the toxic misconceptions of how I needed to act in order to be "good enough" to receive His love. Once I realized there was absolutely nothing that could separate me from the love of Christ, a giant wave of peaceful liberation swept over me, giving me a new sense of freedom and confidence that I didn't know existed. I have a Father who will never leave me nor forsake me! I can stop trying to be perfect because Christ was perfect for me!
- Recovering Daughter of the King