Grace & Mercy
/It all started for me on October 9, 2002. I started this road to recovery from the disease of drug addiction and entered into a 12 Step Recovery Program. This program gave me a sense of purpose and the desire to become a better person. One of the major principles of this program is Step 3: Making a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God. This embarked me on a journey to understand and learn more about that God; who I choose to call Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior. I know I am only saved by His grace and mercy.
So I continued along this journey getting closer to God and understanding His will for me in my life. Life got good and I began to recover from my Hurts, Habits, and Hang-ups. I branched out into Celebrate Recovery and that's when my life in Christ took true form. At 8 years clean I finally gave my life to Christ and got baptized. I joined a church and started committing myself to Jesus. This was the greatest decision I could have ever made and it changed my life. I started to learn more about Christ and as I read the Bible, it spoke volumes to me. Ephesians 1:7 "In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of Sins, in accordance with the riches of God's grace that he lavished on us".
At some point, after about 10 years of clean living, I lost all focus. I stopped praying and going to meetings. I was not living a Christian life. I entered into a relationship with a married woman.
This proved out to be the lowest point of my life. I fell in love with somebody that was not available and I hurt myself and many others. I wished I were dead.
At this lowest period in my life, I showed up at the doors Summit Church and my life has been totally reformed. I started praying again and attending church services each week. It seemed like every message was made just for me. I asked God for forgiveness and repented. I still feel guilty, but my past doesn't control my future.
Today I serve as an Usher and feel a part of a wonderful church community and my life is committed to Christ and His will for me. "My Spiritual condition is the basis for a successful recovery that offers us unlimited growth". Jesus is the answer to all my Spiritual dilemmas.